Building Lasting Relationships: From Lead to Loyal Customer

Business Description:
Our company is a marketing service provider that specializes in offering Lead Generation and Direct Mail Marketing services to Tree Care companies.
One of the biggest challenges we face is selling Direct Mail Marketing services to Tree Care Companies through Facebook and Instagram across the United States, except for a few excluded regions.
The business aims to generate leads for our “Direct Mail Marketing” service from “Tree Care Companies” through Facebook and Instagram conversion ads.
A budget of $500 Per Month was allocated for generating leads in the Whole United States with some excluded regions (Excluded Regions: Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia.
To achieve our goals, we have developed a four-phase strategy.
Phase 1:
Creating an optimized landing
Our first step is to create a landing page that maximizes lead generation. We have researched the business and its Unique selling proposition (USP) that can contribute to attracting potential customers. The landing page will include all the required details regarding the USP of the company to spread information and get better outcomes.
Phase 2:
Research an audience looking for our services and products to target them on conversion ads We have analyzed various interests and job profiles to identify potential customers who would be interested in our services and products. We have matched these interests and job titles with the Facebook and Instagram targeting panel to determine whether they are available for targeting. After conducting thorough research, we have identified the following audience to be the most fruitful:
People who match
Interests Job title
Landscape Maintenance Tree Trimmer or Tree Planter
Phase 3: Creating Conversion Ads and Gaining Leads and Engagements
We created a conversion campaign with a researched landing page, targeting, and ads. We also installed a pixel to track conversions and other events happening through the ads, such as clicks, likes, and engagements. The idea is to generate leads and capture cookies of people who are not filling out the form and bouncing from our landing page.
We will further target them through remarketing and create a lookalike audience based on click, engagement, or form fill events. Note that engaging video ads were provided to us by the client in the initial stage.
Phase 4: Targeting Bounced Audience and Lookalikes of the Lead Form-Filled Audience Through Conversion Ads
In the initial month of December, we received around 15 leads with a CPR of $20 per lead and a lot of engagements. Our target for the next month was to increase the number of leads and reduce CPR.
We applied a strategy to launch a new ad group in which we started targeting remarketing audiences. Later in the same ad group, we targeted a lookalike audience to capture an engaged audience. For interest-based targeting, we made changes in the targeting settings and enabled a detailed targeting option. By doing both of these activities, leads started to increase, and CPR began to reduce.
Our solution is to target “Tree Care Companies” through Facebook and Instagram conversion ads with a given location and targeting interests like “Landscape Maintenance” and job titles like “Tree Trimmer or Tree Planter.”
We will use remarketing, lookalike, and detailed targeting in the audiences once we get enough data to remarket, create a lookalike audience, and target users through an optimized landing page. This approach will help us generate leads at a minimum cost.
Key MetricsPerformance
Cost per results$8.87
Amount Spent $1473.56
Link Clicks2461
Best Performing ads:
Let’s have a look towards the best-performing ads of the business.
In January, we received approximately 81 leads with a CPR of $6.17. By the end of the campaign, we achieved 166 leads at a CPR of $8.88.
After January, we paused some of our ineffective creatives and created new video ads to refresh our approach. This change positively impacted our results and continues to do so.
To conclude this case study, I want to emphasize that even small changes in targeting can yield significant improvements in results. Therefore, it’s crucial to test all the targeting options available in the panel.