Engage, Educate, and Inspire: Video Marketing Solutions for the Digital Age Business Description:

We are Online Video Pro professionals who teach about the use of video marketing that is used to make more money and grow their businesses.
Our problem is to generate leads through creative communication for video professionals attracted by our services.
The company aims to generate leads of video professionals who will avail of our services and further enquire about it by submitting their required information.
A budget of $500 Per Month was allocated for generating leads for locations like Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United States. Duration is from 31st July 2020 to 15th Oct 2020.
Our strategy to attain the goal is divided into 4 phases.
Phase 1: Video Creativity
We have conducted research and the type of creativity to be used. We have found that video creative will work better than static images for ads, so we have used video creative.
Phase 2: Communication Strategy
We have decided on our communication strategy in ads that will attract users to the landing page and fill out inquiry forms. We have decided to include our revenue & top clients in the communication and core USP in video ads. Below given is the ad copy of the best performance.
Targeting Audience:
We have researched suitable audience profiles to target on Facebook & Instagram. After exploring targeting options on Facebook and Instagram, we have found Interests: Adobe Premiere Pro, Post-production, Job title: Video editing, Video editor, etc., suitable to target and generate quality leads.
Phase 4: Implementation of Campaign
We have made the campaign with the above communication, targeting, and creatives, which has yielded excellent lead numbers quickly. Later, we applied remarketing and lookalike audiences with 227 leads at a CPR of $3.01.
The best solution is to run video conversion ads with the researched communication and targeting. Also, promising results are possible with the proper implementation of remarketing and lookalike audiences with the new video ads.
Key Metrics:
Key MetricsPerformance
Cost per results $3.01
Amount Spent$683.17
Link Clicks517
Best performing ads:
The ultimate result achieved was 227 leads at a cost per lead (CPL) of $3.01, made possible through the implementation of an effective strategy.