Health Business Achieved Impressive Leads at a Low Cost

Business Description: 

Texas-based plastic surgery clinic specializes in reconstructive and cosmetic procedures for patients of all ages. The company provides an individualized treatment plan customized to fit the patient’s needs, goals, and desires.


The company wanted to increase the number of patients for Liposuction treatment. To support its ambitions for growth, the company wanted to boost brand awareness and generate online leads from new customers in the target location of a specific city. As the Cost of treatments is high, they wanted to target only those users who can afford the treatment cost. Another challenge was that the treatments were popular only among women. So, the campaign had a very limited pool of audiences to generate results.


To bring in more high-quality leads for its Liposuction treatment and reach a lower cost per lead with a simplified Facebook ad structure.


The budget allowed by the company is $350 per month.

Target Audience:

We created a Messenger campaign, and an Ad set with a higher household income target audience. The geographical area of the campaign is within a city where the Clinic is established. 

We used some common welcome questions in messenger Ads to start conversing with the users. After that, the sales team could answer the customized requirements per the patients’ needs.


Our team realized we could target high household income groups, and customers want many questions answered before qualifying as genuine leads. We confirmed with the client some most popular FAQs among their customers. Our team decided to generate leads using conversational methods, which can bring a personalized experience for the users.

We planned to run Facebook Messenger Ads so that interested users can start a conversation using Messenger and ask their questions without the need to visit a landing page. These leads were handled and nurtured by the sales team of the client.

We asked the client to provide some videos for promotional purposes. We wanted to use them with Messenger ads.

Best performing Video Ad

We used descriptive videos prepared by the Doctor describing the Liposuction procedure and in Ad copy. We encourage users to take advantage of Special pricing on in-office Liposuction procedures.

As a Facebook Messenger Ad, the Send Message call to action opens Facebook Messenger, and the user can answer his questions or book an appointment easily.

Key Metrics:

Key Metrics
Unique reach 3,700 people
Click through rate 17.80%
Cost per click $0.37
Leads 149
CPL $3.56


Our team worked with the client to reduce the Cost per qualified lead. This resulted in new enrolments for the Liposuction treatment, generating thousands of dollars in revenue for the Clinic.

Products Used:

Products Used
Facebook Messenger Ads: Generate qualified leads for your business
Video Ads Capture attention with engaging video ads
Core Audience Select the right target audience for your ads